Go Bianca!

We’re always looking for great causes to get behind, so when Tas from our Parts Department asked us to contribute towards his niece’s fundraising project, we couldn’t resist!

In October, Bianca is off to South Africa to help build homes for orphans who have been affected by HIV/AIDS, and their carers. For 8 days, Bianca will help making the environment a safe one in which children can sleep and learn.

She has been busy raising money for Age UK and Barnardo’s by running a series of events – it was at the most recent of these that we presented her with a cheque and wished her the best on her inspiring journey.

Bianca is just shy of meeting her £2,500 target, which Santander is matching. To find out more or to donate, visit: http://www.justgiving.com/biancajadeinsouthafrica